Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nail Care

  1. Acrylic Full Set - $25
  2. Pink and White Full Set w/ Tips - $25
  3. Pink and White Powder Full Set - $30
  4. Full Set w/ Lume Gel - $30
  5. Silk Wrap Full Set - $25
  6. Acrylic Fill - $15
  7. Pink and White Powder Fill - $20
  8. Gel Fill - $17
  9. Silk Wrap Fill - $17
  10. Regular Manicure - $10
  11. Regular Pedicure - $12
  12. Hot Oil Manicure - $13
  13. Regular Manicure and Pedicure - $20
  14. Acrylic Overlay - $20

Hand and Foot Treatment

Hands and Feet are dipped in warm paraffin wax to rehydrate, release toxins and also soften the skin.
  1. Hand (each) - $5
  2. Foot (each) - $6
  3. Special Callous Removal - $5


  1. Eye Brows - $8
  2. Upper Lip - $8
  3. Chin - $8
  4. Bikini - $18
  5. Under Arms - $15
  6. Half Legs - $25
  7. Full Legs - $40
  8. Back - $25
  9. Half Arms - $20
  10. Full Arms - $30
  11. Full Face (without eyebrows) - $25
  12. Side Burns - $20
  13. Chest - $25

Prices may vary for customized waxing.

Additional Services

  1. French Color (with other services) - $3
  2. French Color (without other services) - $5
  3. Regular Color Change Hands - $5, Toenails - $7
  4. Nail Design (each) - $3
  5. Regular Nail Repair - $2
  6. Silk Wrap Nail Repair - $3
  7. Pink and White Nail Repair - $3

Neck and Shoulder Massage

  1. 7 Minutes - $8
  2. 15 Minutes - $15
  3. 30 Minutes (Body) - $30

Skin Care

Rejuvenation Facial
A full facial including Deep Cleansing, Neck and Face Massage, Removal of Impurities, Mask and Moisturizer
  1. Full Facial (1 Hour) - $45
  2. Plain Facial (1/2 Hour) - $30
  3. Back Facial (1/2 Hour) - $30